2025 Summer Private Lesson Studio Policy
June 3-August 30, 2025
Currently Enrolled Private Students:
During the summer, students may choose to continue the same lesson day and time as the school year or schedule lessons at a variety of times, based on the student and teacher’s availability.
In-home families will select the dates that they would like to have their usual lesson time on a registration form. In-studio families will register online for lessons at their convenience.
Students must purchase a minimum of six lessons (or the hourly equivalent) during the summer in order to retain their spot in their teacher’s schedule during the following school year.
While we do our best to give you the lesson time you request for the next school year, we cannot guarantee you will get the same time back again.
If students purchase fewer than six lessons during the summer, your spot will be forfeited to new students. You may re-enroll in August to get in line for a new lesson time.
New Students:
Once you purchase six or more summer lesson times, you will be added to your teacher’s roster of students and will be offered a weekly lesson time for the next school year.
If you purchase fewer than six summer lessons and want to continue in the fall, you will need to re-enroll in August.
Mattix Music Studio accepts credit card, ACH or check payments and lessons must be prepaid in order to reserve your lesson times.
Current Families: The 6-lesson package of tuition and enrollment fee will be billed to your account when we receive your first summer lesson request. If payment is not received by May 1, 2025, lesson times will be released and new students may take your place.
New Families: Tuition will be billed to your account upon enrollment and is due in full a minimum of 24 hours before your first scheduled lesson.
Summer tuition is refundable until the student’s first scheduled lesson.
Students will be billed for a $40 non-refundable summer enrollment fee.
Unused summer lessons are not eligible for refunds, credits or make-ups after August 30, 2025.
A bank fee of $25 will be assessed for any returned check.
Music books and materials are not included in tuition or fees and will be billed separately.
Students may cancel and reschedule lessons during the summer and families are encouraged to use our online booking system. Students must give the teacher at least 24 hours notice in advance in order to reschedule a lesson. Lessons canceled with less than 24-hours notice will not be rescheduled, refunded or made up at another time. Please contact our office and/or your teacher to cancel a lesson, especially a lesson canceled on short notice.
Exploring Music & Group Classes:
Students may attend the same group class at a different class time, provided there is an available spot. If you would like to reschedule or book a make-up class, please contact our office.
No-Shows, or classes cancelled with less than 24 hours notice, will not be offered a make-up class.
Group class tuition is refundable until your June 3, 2025.
Tuition and unused classes expire on the last date of the summer term.
2024-2025 School Year Studio Policy
Private Lesson Policies
Commitments of the Teacher
- I will treat both parent and student with respect.
- I will prepare for each lesson.
- I will make you aware of competitions and performing opportunities.
- I will do my best to help you grow as a musician and as a person.
- I will provide a comfortable, safe and clean atmosphere for lessons.
- I will be a role model for the students, showing professionalism and expertise.
Commitments of the Student
- I will wash my hands before each lesson.
- I will come to each lesson with a good attitude and an eagerness to learn.
- I will stay focused on learning music during my lesson.
- I will listen to my teacher’s coaching and always try to improve my skills.
- I will practice as my teacher requests and even more when possible.
- I will perform in the regularly scheduled studio recitals unless my teacher recommends differently.
Commitments of the Parent
- I will watch over my child’s daily practice time.
- I will bring my child to the lesson on time.
- I will provide a supportive atmosphere at home.
- I will keep my child’s instrument in good repair.
General Policies
- We recommend parents attend at least the first month of lessons. As you attend your student’s lesson, please focus on the lesson and put away your phone. Plan on coming to the last five minutes of your lesson time at least to get your assignment from your teacher each week.
- Suzuki students are automatically enrolled in group classes. Monthly tuition includes group class fees. The group class schedule may be found at mattixmusic.com/suzuki-group-class.
- Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students: Mattix Music Inc. admits and does not discriminate students of any race, color, gender, orientation, national and ethnic origin to the rights, privileges and activities made available to students.
- Safety: We request that you escort your student under age 10 to their lesson and then again escort them back to your car when the lesson is over.
Attendance Policy
- Lessons must be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance to qualify for a make-up lesson. Students receive one make-up lesson per semester. Please notify your teacher directly with cancellations.
- If the student cancels after the 24-hour deadline, no make-up class or refund are offered.
- Because our teachers have full schedules, rescheduling lessons or changing lesson times mid-year is generally not possible.
- No refunds, credits or make-ups are issued for group class absences.
- One excused absence may be made up the last week of each semester at your regularly scheduled lesson time. Additional make-ups and rescheduled lessons are not available.
- If the student is tardy to a lesson, the teacher is not obligated to make the time up at that lesson or a later date.
- If the teacher is unable to attend a lesson, the parent will be notified as soon as possible and the lesson will be promptly rescheduled at a time convenient for the student.
- All of our teachers offer the opportunity to receive a lesson via Zoom or FaceTime if the student is unable to be present due to sickness or travel.
- If school is cancelled due to severe weather, for your safety, lessons are generally cancelled in-person, but will be offered via Zoom or FaceTime. Notification of changes will be sent by email or text as early in the day as possible.
- In order to withdraw from lessons, parents must give written notice 30 days prior to the last scheduled lesson. Email katie@mattixmusic.com with your written notice. Please note that no refunds are given during the 30-day notification period.
Lesson Time Reservation
- Lesson times are offered on a first come, first serve basis.
- In order to maintain your spot in your teacher’s studio, you must book a minimum of six lessons over the summer. Students who do not take summer lessons or take fewer than six need to re-enroll and are not guaranteed a future spot.
- Families will fill out a scheduling form during the summer indicating their fall availability. Staff members will then offer lesson time options that fit within their needs and the needs of the teacher. Families must fill out the form and confirm their lesson time choice within the published deadlines in order to reserve their fall lesson time. Missed deadlines may result in your lesson time being offered to other students.
- We do our best to accommodate lesson time preferences for all families but cannot guarantee any particular time slot from year to year.
Financial Policy
- During the school year (September through May), we will have weekly lessons. To facilitate household budgeting, the total for all scheduled lessons will be evenly divided between the number of months of lessons. Note that the monthly rate stays the same regardless of the number of weeks in each month. If you begin lessons in the middle of the school year, your monthly tuition will be prorated based on how many lessons you will receive through the end of the school year. Total Tuition / Months = Monthly Payment
- You will agree to a contract for automatic monthly payments upon booking lessons. The automatic charge will be charged to your credit card, which will pay for the upcoming month. For example: The automatic charge will happen on September 24, to pay for October lessons. The automatic charge will happen on October 24, to pay for November lessons. If we see that no payment has occurred by the 1st of the month, then lessons will be cancelled that month, until a full payment has been made. Your teacher will be notified of any cancelled lesson due to non-payment. In addition, failure to pay your tuition may result in your lesson time being open for other or new students to reserve.
- If you would like to pay for the entire school year up front by check, you will receive a 3% discount. A check is due to Mattix Music Inc. before your first lesson.
- Families will pay an annual enrollment fee each August, or their first month of the school year.
- No refunds will be issued for student cancellations, including during the 30-day period after written lesson termination notice is received. Unscheduled or unattended make-up lessons/classes are not scheduled or credited past the last day of each semester.
- In the event the teacher needs to switch their lessons to virtual due to health or severe weather, attendance policies still apply and lesson tuition will not be refunded or credited.
- A bank fee of $25 will be assessed for any returned check.
- Student music books are not included in the tuition.
- Suzuki tuition includes Group Class fees and may not be separated.
- A student may borrow a music book for up to two weeks. If not returned, you will be charged for the replacement value of the book.
Health Policy
- If you or your child are under the weather, virtual lessons are always an option. Notify your teacher and/or our office with as much advanced notice as possible to switch your lesson to Zoom or FaceTime. If the student has had a fever in the last 24 hours or has stayed home sick from school, please do not come to lessons in person. Teachers reserve the right to send home students who are ill or appear to be suffering from illness.
- Consider wearing a mask if you are exhibiting general cold symptoms to help protect your teacher from illness. Teachers may choose their own mask policies in accordance with the current recommendation of the CDC. Please ask your teacher about his or her personal mask preferences and feel free to share your own.
- If your teacher is unable to teach in-person lessons due to heath reasons, virtual lessons will be offered to families. Lessons will not be rescheduled, refunded or credited due to switching to a virtual format.
- If a teacher cancels a lesson due to illness, families will be offered a make-up lesson or credited tuition.
- If you, a family member you live with, or someone with whom you had close contact shows symptoms, is being tested, or is positive for COVID-19, we ask that you change your lesson to virtual until you are cleared to go back to school and work. Notify us immediately if you think one of our teachers or students may have had exposure.
Suzuki Lessons
Suzuki Private Lesson Policy
- Suzuki parents are expected to attend all lessons, group classes, orientation meetings, and any requested observations.
- Suzuki parents are required to take diligent notes of the student’s lesson in provided practice binder.
- Students are required to listen to recordings of their Suzuki repertoire daily. We recommend listening to your repertoire an hour or more everyday for healthy progress.
- In the Suzuki Method, parents are respected as the “home teacher.” Parents are expected to help the student practice and take an equal part in their education from the beginning.
- Suzuki parents should give their full attention to the lesson. Please refrain from using your cell phone except to take pictures and videos of lesson material.
- Positive Vibes Only – Music lessons should be bonding between children and parents, not a battleground. We will help you to cultivate a positive, loving and healthy environment both in your classes and at home. Parents who are struggling with staying positive should reach out for help from their teacher as soon as possible so your child’s musical experience isn’t damaged.
- One teacher at a time – During the lesson, parents are expected to respect the teacher’s authority and listen quietly so that the teacher and student can work closely and get the most out of their lesson time.
Suzuki Group Class Policy
- Students will be placed in a regular group class time. Because every class has been curated specifically for the level of the students in it, we are unable to offer alternate class times.
- Most Suzuki Group Classes have mandatory parent attendance. Plan on being your child’s “assistant” during class.
- Suzuki tuition includes Group Class fees and may not be separated.
- One teacher at a time – During the Group Class, parents are expected to respect the teacher’s authority and listen quietly or assist their child as directed. Allow the teacher to give instructions to your child and save parental instruction for after class.
Exploring Music Studio Policy
- Students are not required give notice of an absence but please notify your teacher or our office as early as possible to allow for more students to schedule make-up classes.
- You may schedule unlimited make-up classes as long as there is room in another class time during the semester. Class sizes may not exceed six students. Use our online make-up class scheduler to request classes.
- Make-ups or absences will not be refunded and expire at the end of May.
- In the event of severe weather, for your safety, classes will be canceled.
- Tuition is month-to-month but we require 30-days written notice in order to withdraw. No refunds will be issued during the 30-day notice period.
- A $25 annual enrollment fee will be added to your first month’s payment.
- Tuition payment will be charged on the 1st day of each month. If payment is not received by the 7th day of the month, students will be unenrolled until the account is paid in full.
- While we do not anticipate issues, Mattix Music Studio teachers reserve the right to excuse children with destructive, aggressive, excessively distracting or disrespectful behavior. Parents with high energy students should consider attending class with their child to assist their behavior as needed. Thank you for your support to make sure our educational environment is fun, welcoming and safe!
General Group Class Policy
- Tuition is per-student and covers classes and materials for the duration of the class offering.
- Tuition may have a cutoff date for full or partial refunds. See your class’s enrollment page for specific dates and terms.
- Missed classes are non-transferable and non-refundable.
- In the event of severe weather, for your safety, class will be cancelled. Rescheduled classes and refunds will not be available.
- While we do not anticipate issues, Mattix Music Studio teachers reserve the right to excuse children with destructive, aggressive, excessively distracting or disrespectful behavior. Parents with high energy students should consider attending class with their child to assist their behavior as needed. Thank you for your support to make sure our educational environment is fun, welcoming and safe!
Music Together® Class Policy
General Policy
- Tuition for Music Together is based on each family unit. Families should not share passwords, access codes or online content with anyone else not living under the same roof.
- Part of your tuition contains a non-refundable $50 enrollment fee. We can refund tuition for unused classes before the class begins, but we cannot refund the $50 fee once you take home your materials or use your access code.
- Adults must attend every class with their children and no child may be unattended at any time.
- Health requirements may change at any time in accordance with CDC and local government regulations.
- In the event of severe weather, for your safety, class will be canceled.
Classroom Rules
- We encourage you to put away your cell phone so you can enjoy an immersive musical experience with your child. If you’d like to take pictures, a good time is during the instrument playalong. Otherwise, please silence your cell phone and put it out of your way.
- Food and drinks are prohibited in our classroom, other than water and bottles for babies.
- Breastfeeding and bottle feeding of infants during class is welcome and fully supported by all of our staff.
- For your safety, running, rough housing, and behavior or sounds that are distracting or compromise the learning environment of class are not allowed. If you child has problems with running or distracting behavior, please go outside the room to have a chat with your child to remind him or her of the rules, then come in and try again. Your teacher is trained on how to help children manage their behavior in class so please feel free to discuss concerns or an action plan with your teacher regularly.
- Mattix Music Inc. is not responsible for loss or damage to your belongings.
- Teachers are subject to change based on availability and sickness.
Attendance Policy
- Students are allowed unlimited make-up classes within each class term. Students cannot attend more classes than the session total, which is typically 10 in the school year and 5 in the summer.
- If you would like to schedule a make-up class, please email our office at info@mattixmusic.com to arrange a make-up class or use our Online Make-Up Class Scheduler.
- Classes that are not made up or missed in each session do not roll over into the next session.
- Students may attend with multiple caregivers, but be considerate of how full your class is and how many people are regularly attending.
Sickness Policy
- If a child has a fever or obvious signs of sickness (coughing, runny nose, etc.), please stay home and attend a make-up class when your family is well. If a student attends who is clearly sick and contagious, teachers may ask you to leave.
- Because we have children who are too young to be fully vaccinated or children who are immunocompromised, please do not bring any family member who may be infected or carrying a communicable disease.
Upon enrollment in any lesson or class, you agree to the terms of the waviers below.
Assumption of the Risk and Waiver of Liability Relating to Coronavirus/COVID-19
The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. As a result, federal, state, and local governments and federal and state health agencies recommend social distancing and have, in many locations, prohibited the congregation of groups of people. Mattix Music Inc. has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19; however, we cannot guarantee that you or your child(ren) will not become infected with COVID-19. Further, attending music classes could increase your risk and your child(ren)’s risk of contracting COVID-19.
By enrolling in music lessons or classes, I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that my child(ren) and I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending music classes and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at Mattix Music Inc. may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, Mattix Music Inc. employees, volunteers, and class participants and their families.
I voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury to my child(ren) or myself (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind, that I or my child(ren) may experience or incur in connection with my child(ren)’s attendance at Mattix Music Inc. or participation in music classes (“Claims”). On my behalf, and on behalf of my children, I hereby release, covenant not to sue, discharge, and hold harmless Mattix Music Inc., its employees, agents, and representatives, of and from the Claims, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating thereto. I understand and agree that this release includes any Claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of Mattix Music Inc., its employees, agents, and representatives, whether a COVID-19 infection occurs before, during, or after participation in any music class.
Assumption of the Risk and Waiver of Liability & Photo Release
I, student/parent/guardian, for and in consideration of the payment to me of music lessons, classes and activities, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby release and forever discharge Mattix Music Inc., their agents, independent contractors, employees, successors and assigns, and their respective heirs, personal representatives, affiliates, successors and assigns, and any and all persons, firms or corporations liable or who might be claimed to be liable, whether or not herein named, none of whom admit any liability to the undersigned, but all expressly denying liability, from any and all claims, demands, damages, actions, causes of action or suits of any kind or nature whatsoever, which I now have or may hereafter have, arising out of or in any way relating to any and all injuries and damages of any and every kind, to both person and property, and also any and all injuries and damages that may develop in the future, as a result of or in any way relating to the following: music lessons, classes and activities, including exposure to contagious disease due to teacher-to-student proximity or student-to-student proximity. It is understood and agreed that this payment is made and received in full and complete settlement and satisfaction the causes of action, claims and demands mentioned herein; that this Release contains the entire agreement between the parties; and that the terms of this Agreement are contractual and not merely a recital. Furthermore, this Release shall be binding upon the undersigned, and respective heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors and assigns. This Release shall be subject to and governed by the laws of the State of Illinois. This Release has been read and fully understood by the undersigned and has been explained to me and goes into effect upon the submission of this form.
I grant to Mattix Music Inc., its representatives and employees the right to take photographs of me, my family members, and my property in connection with music lessons and classes. I authorize Mattix Music Inc., its assigns and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree that Mattix Music Inc. may use such photographs of me without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content. Mattix Music may use pictures of students to post on social media but never tags its students or mentions the name of any family members without explicit written permission.
I understand and agree to the releases above.