Everyday around the world, parents are nagging kids to practice music, and kids are fighting back, dragging their feet and thinking wistfully about the activities they would rather be doing.
I have a secret. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Practicing doesn’t have to cause aggravation, conflict and pain in your family. In fact, practicing can be a time that kids actually enjoy and that can improve your relationship with your kids. **GASP**
“Tell me more, crazy lady!” you say? It would be my pleasure.
The first key to successful music practice
I taught piano lessons to a family with three girls ranging from 6 to 10 years old, each with completely different personalities. They decided that they would participate in our studio’s 100-Day Practice Challenge. Students have to practice their instrument for the length of their lesson (i.e. 30 minutes) for 100 days in a row with no exceptions.
This meant that the mom was committing to supervising the girls for an hour and a half for 100 days in a row. When I asked her how it was going after the first few weeks, this is what she said:
“In the beginning it was hard, and they complained and fought me about practicing. But, now it’s just something we do. They know to expect it and they’ve stopped arguing. All of them willingly go to the piano bench, and I need to help them sometimes, but I am thrilled at how much they are progressing. I didn’t know they could play so well!”
Did you notice what she did that was so successful? She was consistent. That family found a routine that worked for them and they stuck to it.
Consistency is the first key to making music practice time pleasant at your house.
Try your hardest to find a daily practice time that works for each child and stick to it, and keep in mind that changes might not happen overnight. Show your own consistency and priorities and your children will follow.
Join us the next two weeks to learn about two more keys that will make your practice time happy and fight-free!
Want to learn more about practice techniques that will help your family?
Get more out of music lessons and end the fighting at home! Mattix Music Studio is offering a parents-only workshop about how you can revolutionize music practice at your house and help your children (of all ages) develop the incredible life skills they need to thrive.
Ask questions and get specific ideas for your family. Click on the event below for registration and more information.
Practice techniques will be presented by studio owners Dan and Katie Mattix, with a question-and-answer time, and you will receive many practical ideas and materials to take home. Be sure to invite your friends!
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